Wednesday, July 14, 2010

AG Red and White Equestrian Outfit

As usual we were distracted by the shiny new things from AG, but we will try to get back on track to what we planned on posting about this week. As you know, there is a new equestrian outfit called the "Fancy Riding Outfit"that was released yesterday and it comes with a blue blazer instead of a red one.

We wanted the red blazer set before it was replaced with the imminent Innerstar U releases. So it was one of the outfits in our last AG order along with the Sweet Melody outfit, etc. etc.

So since Ziva got to model the Sweet Melody outfit, Adanya gets her turn in the Equestrian Outfit. It comes with the black, fuzzy helmet; long red blazer that covers your bum; long-sleeve white blouse; white jodhpurs that have stirrups to go under your feeties; and the shiny black boots. It is a pretty cool outfit all together, and the pieces are certainly useful as separates as well.

Enjoy zee pics below and come back tomorrow to see a tricked out version of this equestrian outfit on Adanya! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww this is pretty, what a classic! Adanya looks great in it, now I know I'll look great in it too, teehee! I love the golden buttons detail...the black boots look like the ones my human uses, that's cool!

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