Monday, October 17, 2011

2011 Fall/Winter Doll Giveaway Starts Today!
Enter Here!

There should be a subtitle to this post: "Maple Shows Off Her New Outfit." 

Maple insisted she should be included with the pictures of Lanie and her MyAG #55 clone for this post so that people could see what MyAG #55 looks like out of the box and in a different outfit. Logical, right? Well then she put on a special new outfit - once again arguing that people should know how fantastic she can look. And then she stood front and center in the photos, also arguing that people should know how photogenic she is. Needless to say, boxed Lanie and boxed MyAG #55 were a little peeved that she was stealing the limelight since the post is really more about them....

Okay, so what you really want to hear about is the doll giveaway. 
I bet that is why you visited this post. :-P

First of all, if we get 375 blog followers or 275 Facebook followers by the end of the contest we will giveaway 
two dolls instead of just one.

So if you aren't "following" us or haven't "liked" us yet 
on Blogger or Facebook -- start today!

Next important point....

The giveaway starts today and ends 
Saturday, December 17th. 
The winner will be announced December 18th.

The options for prizes are Lanie, MyAG #55, Ivy and MyAG #26. You can see more pics of these dolls below, as well as Maple hogging the pictures. Heehee.

So now here are the important details: You must be 18 years old or older to enter this giveaway. If you are younger than that please have someone 18 years old or older, like a parent or guardian, enter herself/himself. One entry per person please, but you can have other family members enter as well.

To enter, please write your full name and your email address as a comment to this post. It will not be published and only Penny will be able to see it. A winner will be drawn out of a hat, i.e. randomly picked. Only entries with a full name and an email address will be put into the hat. If you win, Penny will email that address to notify you and ask for your doll choice, and your shipping address.

We will ship to other countries (including the USA, of course). So if you live in Australia, England, Canada, and so on--- and you win--- we will ship the doll to you for free. No cost to you.

Any questions??? Please feel free to ask. :-)

Giveaway Ivy pic...

Giveaway MyAG #26 pic...

And pics of Giveaway Lanie and Giveaway MyAG #55...

The MyAG #55 does have a slight "one eye bigger than the other" thing going on...

Just FYI. 
Most people don't seem to mind this phenomena, so we'll keep her in the giveaway

Pics of Maple, Lanie and MyAG #55...
Maple's hat, capelet and fingerless mitts are from Ebay seller Debonair Designs (tekay-intl). We were pointed to this store by Beast's Belle's blog. (Thank you for the info!) Her orange tank top and gold pants are from Etsy seller L'Atelier de Sitara.


Thanks for perusing this post!

Please enter the giveaway today!

And again, let us know if you have any questions. :-)


Caelen said...

Hi Nora!
I have a question. If you don't get to 375 blog followers or 275 Facebook followers, which doll will you giveaway? Who am I kidding, I know you will get to 375 blog followers or 275 Facebook followers soon.
Good luck...

Nora and Maple said...

If we do get that many followers there will be a first prize winner -- she/he gets to choose whichever doll she/he wants out of the 4 dolls.

And then a second prize winner, she/he can choose whichever doll they want out of the remaining 3 dolls.

Nora and Maple said...

p.s. Yep, we got your Aunt's entry. :)

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

I'm so glad you were able to get that capelet set. It's great that you can get the word out about Debonair Designs. :) And it looks great on you Maple. :D

Did you know that our sister Hayden is coming soon? She looks remarkably like you. ;)


Nora and Maple said...

Beast's Belle- We actually got two of the capelet sets. Sssshhhh. Haha. So we'll be posting about them again.

Can't wait to see pics of Hayden on your blogs!

Claire -- Yep, we got your Mom's entry.

Gomunk said...

Having Maple next to the #55 in the box is a good thing. The warm fall colors she's wearing really make her pretty eyes stand out.

Nora and Maple said...

Yeah, definitely. The washed-out lavender color of the MyAG meet outfit top isn't doing boxed #55 any favors with her coloring. ;)

Nora and Maple said...

Rachyrache -- As long as your parents know they are entering for you and the entry is in their name, I think using your email address is okay if they want to keep their own private.

Deb Denair said...

Firstly, what a great giveaway, such generosity :)) and secondly, thank you so very much for both your purchase of my capelet ensembles and promoting my work, I truly appreciate it very much. Kind regards Deb

Nora and Maple said...

Yep, your 18 yrs old or older siblings can also enter the giveaway. :-)

Nora and Maple said...

How do you enter? You type in your name and email address into the comment box for this post. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway! I missed your photo contest, but am looking forward to the one in 2012. I love having a place where I can go to look at all the handmade doll clothing shops at once. It's great that you promote crafters' work like you do.

Anonymous said...

A lot of contests let people enter once everyday.
But for this contest, each person is only allowed to enter once, right? So if my Mom entered today, then that's it. No more. Am I correct in assuming this?
BTW, this is an EXTREMELY fantastic thing to do, and it clearly reflects the hearts of the bloggers. You gals are fantastic. :D :D :D

Nora and Maple said...

Yep with our contests it is one entry per person per contest.

But if you want all of the adults in your family to enter you can pester them to do so. ;)

Unknown said...

Oh and Maple, you look absolutely lovely today. ;)

Nora and Maple said...

To Vivy-- You don't need a Google Account to enter this giveaway. Just send in a comment with your full name and email address.

Nora and Maple said...

Yep, Spicemuffin we got your entry. :)

Nora and Maple said...

TracAn- Sorry your blogs weren't listed on the right -- just one of those things we thought we did, but hadn't done yet. :)

Alexis said...

You guys have 305 facebook likes. Does this mean that you guys are going to give away 2 dolls?? :)

Nora and Maple said...

Yeppers, if we still have over 275 likes on Facebook on the day we pick the winner - we will pick two winners and give two dolls away. :)

anya said...

Yayz! Oh the suspense!

imrachelnicole said...

I have another question-
Where did you get the boots Maple is wearing?


Nora and Maple said...

We bought those boots through Liberty Jane, but if they aren't selling them anymore -- you can probably search for green boots for 18" dolls, American Girl dolls, etc on Ebay and they might come up.

Allie said...

Where do we enter at I can't seem to find it.

Nora and Maple said...

You enter right here with a comment like you just did, but this one should have your full name and email address. :)

Nora and Maple said...

Piggy- All of the entries are hidden so other people can't see your names and email addresses.

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