Sunday, April 21, 2013

Maple's KPop Sunday: SS501 "Love Like This"

So I'm sure that you have all been sitting around waiting for more KPop videos.

This week we wanted to feature our fav song from the boy group SS501: "Love Like This."
The video won the award for "Best Use of a Car as an Expressive Device in a Music Video" in 2009. It was also nominated for the "Best Use of Strobe Lights to Give People Seizures" award.

Okay, not really. Those awards don't exist...

But if my award system did exist, this video would most certainly win "Most Horrible Clothing Worn in a KPop Music Video" for 2009. Though I am sure there are other contenders.

We actually thought that maybe we shouldn't post this vid because the style isn't something that any sane person should wear. But alas, SS501 has Kim Hyun-joong as its leader and he is the reason I breathe, so we are including it in our KPop series.

Kim Hyun-joong is a pop star/actor whom we totes heart.
He is even our phone wallpaper:

 So. Adorable.

We first saw him in the KDrama "Playful Kiss" -- then we watched him in the KDrama "Boys Over Flowers" or "Boys Before Flowers" -- whatever you want to call it.

Both series are completely addicting, crack-like substances that include large doses of bad acting, whole episodes of horrible directing, headache-inducing soundtrack choices, and emotional roller coasters that need to include a prescription from a psychiatrist.

We recommend both shows as long as you have a sense of humor and patience.
They are kind of like KDrama rites of passage.
"Boys Over Flowers" is probably the most-famous KDrama in existence.
Even though it is completely spoof-worthy.
It also starred Lee Min Ho, in his debut role -- he is now an international celebrity.

And he has awesome hair.

Both of those shots are from "Faith" -- a KDrama that made me want to stab every character repeatedly. "Why are you doing that? How stupid can you be? That makes no sense!" was my constant refrain while trying to watch it.
We never could finish it.

But back to the music video. And Kim Hyun-joong.
He does not have great hair in this vid.
But that's okay, we forgive him.

This is an upbeat, catchy song and the video features the best kick-skipping dancing we have ever seen. Some of their moves do make one LOL. 
But that is why we are sharing these things, right?

Brace yourself for 
1) Too much eye makeup 
2) Really horrible animal print clothing and 
3) Epic dance moves.

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