Thursday, August 26, 2010


This week seems to be one made for one-syllable sounds of distress. I've got a nasty cold, I've spread it to my sisters, and Lissie and Bethy are rumored to be retiring. Yep, that's the word on the street- Felicity and Elizabeth are going to be archived.

We guessed wrong, per usual, thinking Molly would be next. But not being sure of that, we didn't want to invest a lot of moola in her stuff and then find out it was Felicity or someone else.

Being collectors, we have running lists of what we want to have and what we already have. So we consulted the list this afternoon and hit Ebay for retired Felicity items that will now probably go up in price. We ordered the Noah's Ark set, the Mittens, Muff and Pattens, and her Guitar. We always forgot to order that guitar every time we planned to--- it was so "under the radar" and yet very beautiful.

Well we have executed our "In Case Felicity is Archived" plan. But we still feel kind of hollow inside--- like that empty feeling in your stomach you get when something is happening that you don't really like. And we keep looking at things we didn't think we wanted from her collection, now second-guessing that decision. Le poo. Third fall in the row with these archivals and feeling le poo. I guess we should be used to it-- but it's difficult to get used to. :(

Do you all have "In Case ______ Is Archived" plans?

Updated to include pictures from Curt Danhauser's site of things we ordered today. We'd like to say we are excited to receive them, but their arrival will be bittersweet.

Sorry the pics might be distorted, Photobucket is doing funny things with them. :(


Quinlyn said...

I posted about Lissie and Lizzie's archiving too, on my blog. It is so terrible!!

No, I don't have any "In Case" plans, I just sort of cruise along. But I have wanted Elizabeth for a while, and I also want Lanie, and I doubt my mom will get me Elizabeth AND Lanie for my yeah, I'm in kind of a tight spot. WHY AG, WHY???


Nora and Maple said...

That is a tight spot Quinlyn! We're sorry you have to make that decision now.

I'd much rather they do these archivals in the early spring so people have more time to get the archived doll and/or the Limited Edition doll of the year if they so desired---- Instead of being crunched to make a decision and spend money within four months. :(

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

So sad!! I am so thankful, though. My 4 year old has been wanting a Felicity since last year's catalog came in the mail. Just at the beginning of this month I found one on Craigslist for an incredible price. I'm so thankful! Anyone who wants a Felicity should check Craigslist as well as eBay. And if you go to, you have the option of searching Craigslist postings nationwide. A lot of times people are willing to ship if you ask them. Or, look up postings in a city where you have relatives or close friends that would be willing to pick a doll up for you. That's what I did with the Felicity I just found. It would be good to check soon, too, before everyone knows about Lissie's retirement and the prices go up.
I wish they wouldn't retire the historical dolls. Felicity was the doll I fell in love with as a girl. It's so sad to see her and Elizabeth go. :(

Nora and Maple said...

Yeah, we agree-- look on Ebay and Craigslist-- they definitely have some nice dolls if you can't afford to shell out the $$$ for a new AG right this moment.

Anonymous said...

Oh God...
All the dolls I grew up with as a kid are gone. First Sam and Nellie, then Felicity and Elizabeth... (not to mention Jess and Marisol)
I sold a lot of the above of my own volition, but I couldn't bear to part with the accessories and some of the outfits because I love the colonial period and loved the Victorian/Edwardian period as a child. I just feel like AG is getting rid of the "AG experience" that I had in my childhood (which was sadly enough the best part of my childhood) and replacing it with something that's, well, fun--but not as deep.
Felicity and Samantha were the two I liked best, partially because of the era but partially because they stood up to adult authority to do the right thing and they made friends with people they weren't supposed to befriend for sociopolitical reasons.
Educational purposes aside, I think those characters were important for instilling the moral that love (or friendship, which can be similar) can triumph over all. MAG is a fun idea, but it has no real depth.
AG has always been criticised for being too superficial and so on--by people who never read the historical fiction--but now it's becoming like that criticism.

I just realised, this sounds rather like an eulogy. :(

Anonymous said...

I actually felt numb with horror when I saw the poll on the sidebar. Then I went and read this post... and now I feel like there's a curse on the characters that I've liked most during my life. First I liked Samantha, because she wasn't afraid to embrace change and stand up to others, and then I liked Kirsten, because she battled the hardships she went through, and then I liked Felicity because, well, she's the most like me.

Then, of course, AG goes and retires every single one of them. D:

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now I am mad, they are retiring 2 more dolls without even bringing out ANY NEW ones FIRST! Granted, I still am super duper ticked about retiring Sam and Nellie AND making the JLYs into MyAGs. AG, you had better make up for this with a good GOTY 2011.

Anonymous said...

Quinlyn, why don't you ask for Elizabeth for your B-day, and Lanie for Christmas? :)

Quinlyn said...

@Anonymous Yes, I might do that...I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. :) Now I'll be scanning the internet, looking for pictures of Lanie AND Elizabeth and seeing if I liked one over the other...LOL! I also think they might be good twins...hehe

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