Thursday, March 24, 2016

Beds-n-Blankies is Now At Etsy!

Long-time followers of the blog and fans in the AG online community will know that the person in charge of Beds-n-Blankies is "seejoansew" - aka Joan Dickhaut.

She has had a long-time running website about her dolls, 
her clothing creations, her doll tutorials, etc. etc.

You can find that here:

It's a super-creative place worth checking out!

If you want to visit her Etsy shop, go here:

Apparently it's been open since November 2015, but I didn't know that.

Because I am clueless.

Available in the shop as of me writing this....

I have a bunch of stuff from Joan and all of her creations 
are amazing and high-quality.

I can't say enough good things about her work.

It's the stuff dreams are made of.

Please check out the shop today!

Also available in the shop as of me writing this....

Also, for those of you who sew -- 
She also has a whole line of doll sewing patterns with Simplicity.

On her website you can see more of her sample pics for these patterns.

Again, please visit:

And her Etsy:


p.s. I am still blind and without glasses, 
so I apologize in advance for any typos. :-/

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

THE PIRATE OUTFITS MY HEART. If I had the money I would buy like half the shop omg.

Ellie | The Dolls of 221B

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