AE outfits to AG-ize part two.... thanks for the comments on part one. We think we will look into Miranda's Claire's idea too.... *starts to browse the Claire's website......
So many intriguing things to this outfit... the semi-destroyed, bleached jean shorts, the cropped vest in a semi-shiny fabric, and especially the drapey shirt under it that cuts down from one shoulder and hangs off the other. A cool look indeedy...
A slightly less splashy look, but these types of cardigans with the gathered, empire-waistline area under the bodice look great.... is there a way to make a pattern for these?... we wonder....
And we also found these cardi variations online... the gathered front and the gathered sleeve looks.... unique possibilities if one could pull it off on AG scale...
And what do we have here? Nothing too overwhelmingly new... but something people tend to avoid for AGs.... why? we aren't sure...... A nice, lightweight hooded long-sleeve shirt with scrunch-able sleeves (i.e. they can be pushed up).... big lettered, blocky colorful graphics.... rolled cuff jean shorts with a nice thick brown belt to accent the waistline... all good things, right?.....
Here is another simple but pretty statement (AE is so good at looks that say "I can dress down but still look elegant")... a white tank top, a cream cardigan, long necklace, dark blue jeggings, red-brown belt, and slim-fit dark cowboy-esque boots...... we are in ♥.....
The return of the 80s? Kind of.... but not exactly... first let's address the colors: black and gray stripes, you can never go wrong with that... layering with the bright turquoise, also cool.... and blue jeggings/ skinnies, a great look... of course the top is 80s-esque... but we like the poncho-esque look with the kangaroo pouch and drawstring waistline.... not that a dolly version would need all that... but a nice drapey poncho-shirt pattern is lacking from the current offerings... (again, the key is to bring the shirt in at the waistline, defining that "hourglass" shape... you will notice the shirt creates a subtle upside-down triangle on the model below, from her shoulders to her waistline, echoing the triangle embroidered at the neckline....)
Okay, that's five... I'm done rambling for today. ;-) Will go check out Claire's a bit more.... look for more AE outfits for sewing inspirations around the corner....
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
American Eagle Outfits Someone Should AG-ize: Part One
Sorry we have been MIA. Traveling again... and one thing to do for school after another. Blah.
So awhile back we talked a little about Hot Topic outfits we wanted to see as AG outfits. People seemed interested in that idea. We thought we'd do some American Eagle outfits in this post as a "part one" and then add on some more pics in the coming days. These are ideas for people who are interested in making dolly-sized outfits. We can't guarantee they'd sell-- just that we like them and think they'd be cool AG-ized. ;-)
Psst.. if you want ideas for patterns and outfits, it is always a good idea to look for current trends being offered by all those stores you see in the mall...
Most of all, fit is very important (nothing too baggy-- pay attention to how things fit the models and try to mimic that on the dolls)...
Selena Gomez's AE outfit... dark jeggings and a striped poncho-esque shirt which drapes over a strappy tank...
Have to say we are a sucker for the dress-over-a-shirt look if it fits right and the dress has that bodice shape you see below.. psst, the tights here really make it look "complete"...
Another look with leggings.. we like them with the jean mini... and the cropped, hooded varsity jacket is really awesome-ness... someone should make a pattern for that...
The tights/leggings-under-things-look persists as it appears under shorts (who says you can't do that).. we like the look of the shorts combined with the flowy peasant-like top which still has a clear waistline... and the colors are just great....
Belted strappy dress! We love these strappy dresses and they are the perfect things to go over tees and long-sleeve shirts if someone could size them right for the AGs... and adding on a thick belt looks really cool.... something to help define the waistline (which usually looks good for AGs -- try to give them the hourglass shape visually, even though they don't have one in reality)....
Okay, that's five.... don't want to bore you to death... will have a few more things to discuss from AE soon...
If there is an outfit from any human clothing company out there that you have been dying to see as an AG outfit, please comment below! Or if you just have thoughts to share, please comment below! :-)
So awhile back we talked a little about Hot Topic outfits we wanted to see as AG outfits. People seemed interested in that idea. We thought we'd do some American Eagle outfits in this post as a "part one" and then add on some more pics in the coming days. These are ideas for people who are interested in making dolly-sized outfits. We can't guarantee they'd sell-- just that we like them and think they'd be cool AG-ized. ;-)
Psst.. if you want ideas for patterns and outfits, it is always a good idea to look for current trends being offered by all those stores you see in the mall...
Most of all, fit is very important (nothing too baggy-- pay attention to how things fit the models and try to mimic that on the dolls)...
Selena Gomez's AE outfit... dark jeggings and a striped poncho-esque shirt which drapes over a strappy tank...
Have to say we are a sucker for the dress-over-a-shirt look if it fits right and the dress has that bodice shape you see below.. psst, the tights here really make it look "complete"...
Another look with leggings.. we like them with the jean mini... and the cropped, hooded varsity jacket is really awesome-ness... someone should make a pattern for that...
The tights/leggings-under-things-look persists as it appears under shorts (who says you can't do that).. we like the look of the shorts combined with the flowy peasant-like top which still has a clear waistline... and the colors are just great....
Belted strappy dress! We love these strappy dresses and they are the perfect things to go over tees and long-sleeve shirts if someone could size them right for the AGs... and adding on a thick belt looks really cool.... something to help define the waistline (which usually looks good for AGs -- try to give them the hourglass shape visually, even though they don't have one in reality)....
Okay, that's five.... don't want to bore you to death... will have a few more things to discuss from AE soon...
If there is an outfit from any human clothing company out there that you have been dying to see as an AG outfit, please comment below! Or if you just have thoughts to share, please comment below! :-)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sew Fun Doll Clothes Giveaway Youtube Announcement Video
So the man of the house says our Youtube videos are really just "slideshows with music" and not really videos. Haha. I guess he is right.... so we will post about our new "slideshow" here. ;-P
Here it is announcing our Jan/Feb Giveaway featuring 2 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of tights from Sew Fun Doll Clothes. If you haven't entered this giveaway yet click here.
Here it is announcing our Jan/Feb Giveaway featuring 2 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of tights from Sew Fun Doll Clothes. If you haven't entered this giveaway yet click here.
Feel free to share, subscribe, like and comment! :-)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sew Fun Doll Clothes Jan/Feb Giveaway! Enter Here!
Thus begins our American Girl's 25th Anniversary/Birthday Monthly Giveaways! Huzzah! Since we are starting this one on January 15th-ish --- we will run it until February 16th. And we will announce the winner on February 17th.
We have already received two other items for the giveaways, so for Feb/March we will be giving away an outfit from AM PM Creations (an Etsy seller) and for March/April we will give away a beach chair from Wood Shack Studio (another Etsy seller).
So a big "Thank You" goes out to Sew Fun Doll Clothes who donated two pairs of socks and two pairs of tights for this month's giveaway. The tights are grey/black, and pink/black; the socks are pink with dots and black with stars. There is a variety of pictures below showing them off.
Now here are the important details: You must be 18 years old or older to enter this giveaway. If you are younger than that please have someone 18 years old or older, like a parent or guardian, enter herself/himself. One entry per person please, but you can have other family members enter as well.
To enter, please write your full name and your email address as a comment to this post. It will not be published and only Penny will be able to see it. A winner will be drawn out of a hat, i.e. randomly picked. Only entries with a full name and an email address will be put into the hat. If you win, Penny will email that address to notify you and ask for your shipping address.
First off, the pink and black tights being modeled by Ziva. She is also wearing a top from The Dolly Stand and a Liberty Jane skirt. :-)
Second, the starry black socks being modeled by Zoe. She is wearing a top from Suzy M Studio and a Liberty Jane skirt. :-)
Third, the grey and black tights being modeled by Sabrina in a purple wig. She is also wearing a top and skirt set from The Dolly Stand. :-)
And last but not least, Kanani is shown wearing the pink dotted socks. She is seen by her shave ice stand and is wearing a Liberty Jane skirt and an AG tee shirt (from Lanie's collection). You will also see Lanie's hammock-- which goes really well with the stand set-up. :-)
We have already received two other items for the giveaways, so for Feb/March we will be giving away an outfit from AM PM Creations (an Etsy seller) and for March/April we will give away a beach chair from Wood Shack Studio (another Etsy seller).
So a big "Thank You" goes out to Sew Fun Doll Clothes who donated two pairs of socks and two pairs of tights for this month's giveaway. The tights are grey/black, and pink/black; the socks are pink with dots and black with stars. There is a variety of pictures below showing them off.
Now here are the important details: You must be 18 years old or older to enter this giveaway. If you are younger than that please have someone 18 years old or older, like a parent or guardian, enter herself/himself. One entry per person please, but you can have other family members enter as well.
To enter, please write your full name and your email address as a comment to this post. It will not be published and only Penny will be able to see it. A winner will be drawn out of a hat, i.e. randomly picked. Only entries with a full name and an email address will be put into the hat. If you win, Penny will email that address to notify you and ask for your shipping address.
Any questions?? Feel free to ask!
And again, Thank You Sew Fun Doll Clothes!!!
First off, the pink and black tights being modeled by Ziva. She is also wearing a top from The Dolly Stand and a Liberty Jane skirt. :-)
Second, the starry black socks being modeled by Zoe. She is wearing a top from Suzy M Studio and a Liberty Jane skirt. :-)
Third, the grey and black tights being modeled by Sabrina in a purple wig. She is also wearing a top and skirt set from The Dolly Stand. :-)
And last but not least, Kanani is shown wearing the pink dotted socks. She is seen by her shave ice stand and is wearing a Liberty Jane skirt and an AG tee shirt (from Lanie's collection). You will also see Lanie's hammock-- which goes really well with the stand set-up. :-)
Enter our Jan/Feb Giveaway today!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Zee Shave Ice Stand
Ack, we are slow. Sorry for the delay with these. School has started again and I had to do homework. Blah. But here we finally are with some pics of new things. :-D
The internet is rife with images of Kanani and her new outfits being de-boxed. So we thought we'd start our purchase reveals with the Shave Ice stand. Yes, we ordered it on Jan. 1st after a little deliberation. We are shameless.
"It's really well-built" -- was our first thought. The base is nicely made and has a ton of storage space inside it. Makes me think of all the cool things you could use the stand for. The hot-pink-ness is off-putting but we can see why people would like it. However, the top part does not really "attach" to the base. It only just sits in holes. This has led to many almost-catastrophes. "It's not built that well" -- was our second thought. We knocked the roof part over onto dolls. Dropped it while moving it. Etc. Etc. It is top heavy (obviously with the plastic roof) so at the slightest touch it pops out of those holes and down it goes. Maybe there is something we are missing here? Was there more to the instructions? What it could use is rubber stoppers that the poles suck down into. That way you could still remove the top part for easy storage, and it wouldn't be so prone to falling out. Oh well. C'est la vie.
Lesson: Set the stand up and don't move it around. :-P
The accessories are really cute and fun to play with. We would have liked it if one of the shave ice servings was left blank, like you were about the pour the syrup onto it or just took it out of the machine. And of course it would have been awesome if they weren't all blue or orange. They give you pink and green syrups. Why not pink and green servings? Well the servings do seem to be attempts at "mixes" but they mostly just look blue or orange.
A fun thing we discovered is that the shave ice machine has "ice" in the top and clicks when you turn the handle. Not exactly the same thrill as a real shave ice machine. But hey, they tried. Also, the syrup holder really does turn. Doesn't really spin, but turning is still cool.
If anyone has any questions about the stand and accessories, let us know in the comments!
So if you are wondering what we did to the stand to get rid of all that pink--- we did do something. Though we didn't eliminate all the pink. Heehee. First we are going to show you pics of the stand and its accessories. Praline the kitty makes a cameo appearance-- we received her for Christmas. Then scroll down to see our quick and inexpensive fix for making the stand look a little more "island" and less "Barbie." ;-)
The internet is rife with images of Kanani and her new outfits being de-boxed. So we thought we'd start our purchase reveals with the Shave Ice stand. Yes, we ordered it on Jan. 1st after a little deliberation. We are shameless.
"It's really well-built" -- was our first thought. The base is nicely made and has a ton of storage space inside it. Makes me think of all the cool things you could use the stand for. The hot-pink-ness is off-putting but we can see why people would like it. However, the top part does not really "attach" to the base. It only just sits in holes. This has led to many almost-catastrophes. "It's not built that well" -- was our second thought. We knocked the roof part over onto dolls. Dropped it while moving it. Etc. Etc. It is top heavy (obviously with the plastic roof) so at the slightest touch it pops out of those holes and down it goes. Maybe there is something we are missing here? Was there more to the instructions? What it could use is rubber stoppers that the poles suck down into. That way you could still remove the top part for easy storage, and it wouldn't be so prone to falling out. Oh well. C'est la vie.
Lesson: Set the stand up and don't move it around. :-P
The accessories are really cute and fun to play with. We would have liked it if one of the shave ice servings was left blank, like you were about the pour the syrup onto it or just took it out of the machine. And of course it would have been awesome if they weren't all blue or orange. They give you pink and green syrups. Why not pink and green servings? Well the servings do seem to be attempts at "mixes" but they mostly just look blue or orange.
A fun thing we discovered is that the shave ice machine has "ice" in the top and clicks when you turn the handle. Not exactly the same thrill as a real shave ice machine. But hey, they tried. Also, the syrup holder really does turn. Doesn't really spin, but turning is still cool.
If anyone has any questions about the stand and accessories, let us know in the comments!
So if you are wondering what we did to the stand to get rid of all that pink--- we did do something. Though we didn't eliminate all the pink. Heehee. First we are going to show you pics of the stand and its accessories. Praline the kitty makes a cameo appearance-- we received her for Christmas. Then scroll down to see our quick and inexpensive fix for making the stand look a little more "island" and less "Barbie." ;-)
Aloha! What is this thing trapped in styrofoam???
What do the accessories look like???
The Island Version... Courtesy of an IKEA Anno Strata window shade. ;)
Kanani and her stand-- she is wearing the Lu'au halter top and her board shorts...
and in later shots, the "Go Girl" sunglasses....
Aloha! Again, if anyone has any questions about zee above schtuff, let us know! Look forward to more pics and the post announcing the Sew Fun Doll Clothes Jan-Feb giveaway! Toodles!
A Shave Ice Stand!
What do the accessories look like???
The Island Version... Courtesy of an IKEA Anno Strata window shade. ;)
We bought the window shade for about 10 bucks, cut a piece of it out, wrapped it around, and taped it to the back of the stand. Its only made of paper, so it is really easy to cut. And because we just taped it on, we can remove it at anytime. Also we can still hang up the larger sign onto the front, which we will show you in another post.
Kanani and her stand-- she is wearing the Lu'au halter top and her board shorts...
and in later shots, the "Go Girl" sunglasses....
Aloha! Again, if anyone has any questions about zee above schtuff, let us know! Look forward to more pics and the post announcing the Sew Fun Doll Clothes Jan-Feb giveaway! Toodles!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Winter 2011 Doll Giveaway Youtube Announcement Video
We are trying something new... a Youtube Announcement video.... we'll see if it helps to draw more people to zee blog. Haha. Feel free to subscribe to our channel as we would like to add more videos slowly but surely this year as Youtube is such a hot-spot. And you can also "Like" and "Share" the video if you want. You can even "Dislike" it if you want to... but I'm not sure why you would do that if you are here reading this blog... Heehee. ;-)
And if you are thinking, "Why would I tell other people about the giveaway? I want to win!"---- you have a good point. Haha. But the more people who know about the blog, then the more people who know about all the wonderful shops we talk about here. And the more people who know about the shops, the better their businesses are, and then they can make more dolly stuff to sell. :-D
p.s. If you haven't entered the giveaway and you want to, see the previous post to enter. ;-)
And if you are thinking, "Why would I tell other people about the giveaway? I want to win!"---- you have a good point. Haha. But the more people who know about the blog, then the more people who know about all the wonderful shops we talk about here. And the more people who know about the shops, the better their businesses are, and then they can make more dolly stuff to sell. :-D
What do y'all think of our vid?
We tried to make it clear and simple, but it isn't exactly Oscar-worthy... it is only our 3rd vid. :-/
p.s. If you haven't entered the giveaway and you want to, see the previous post to enter. ;-)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Kanani Arrives! Enter the Winter 2011 Doll Giveaway Here!
So Kanani has arrived--- Yay! This means that we can officially announce the Winter 2011 Doll Giveaway here at The Doll Wardrobe blog. Super-yay!
One lucky winner will be able to choose one of three dolls--- Kirsten Larson, Kanani Akina, or Ivy Ling! The doll will come brand-new, in-box, with her meet outfit and book, and an extra handmade outfit (which we will discuss more in other posts). (For free!)
So now here are the important details: You must be 18 years old or older to enter this giveaway. If you are younger than that please have someone 18 years old or older, like a parent or guardian, enter herself/himself. One entry per person please, but you can have other family members enter as well.
To enter, please write your full name and your email address as a comment to this post. It will not be published and only Penny will be able to see it. A winner will be drawn out of a hat, i.e. randomly picked. Only entries with a full name and an email address will be put into the hat. If you win, Penny will email that address to notify you and ask for your doll choice (from the three pictured in this post), and your shipping address.

Note: Kanani has the one-eye-bigger-than-the-other Jess mold thing. Most people don't seem to care about the wonky-eye thing so we are including her in the giveaway anyway.

That is three whole months of waiting to find out who wins a doll! Yikes! But we will also have our monthly 25th Anniversary giveaways as well-- which will start very soon. How exciting!
One lucky winner will be able to choose one of three dolls--- Kirsten Larson, Kanani Akina, or Ivy Ling! The doll will come brand-new, in-box, with her meet outfit and book, and an extra handmade outfit (which we will discuss more in other posts). (For free!)
So now here are the important details: You must be 18 years old or older to enter this giveaway. If you are younger than that please have someone 18 years old or older, like a parent or guardian, enter herself/himself. One entry per person please, but you can have other family members enter as well.
To enter, please write your full name and your email address as a comment to this post. It will not be published and only Penny will be able to see it. A winner will be drawn out of a hat, i.e. randomly picked. Only entries with a full name and an email address will be put into the hat. If you win, Penny will email that address to notify you and ask for your doll choice (from the three pictured in this post), and your shipping address.

Note: Kanani has the one-eye-bigger-than-the-other Jess mold thing. Most people don't seem to care about the wonky-eye thing so we are including her in the giveaway anyway.

There will only be one winner for this giveaway -- she/he gets to choose one of the above dolls to receive. The two left-over dolls will reappear in the Summer 2011 giveaway. :-)
We will ship to other countries (including the USA, of course). So if you live in Australia, England, Canada, and so on--- and you win--- we will ship the doll to you for free. No cost to you.
The last day to enter the giveaway will be
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 and the winner will be announced
on Thursday April 7th, 2011.
Wednesday April 6th, 2011 and the winner will be announced
on Thursday April 7th, 2011.
That is three whole months of waiting to find out who wins a doll! Yikes! But we will also have our monthly 25th Anniversary giveaways as well-- which will start very soon. How exciting!
Any questions??? Please feel free to ask. :-)
Good luck readers!
Oh and look forward to more posts with Kanani and the new stuff!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Kanani Shipped! Plus Giveaway Ramblings and Our Mission
That took forever! Our American Girl order finally says shipped and our Kanani stuff could be here tomorrow or Friday. Isn't that exciting?!!? That means we can start off the Winter 2011 Doll Giveaway soon and we will also start the January 25th Anniversary giveaway as well. Sew Fun Doll Clothes of Etsy has sent us some awesome socks and tights that we will feature as this month's giveaway items. And Terrie of All Dolled Up Doll Clothes is giving us something to include with our Doll Giveaway. Yay!
So we have gotten a lot of new readers lately and we just wanted to state who we are and what we do so that people aren't wondering, "What is this weird blog I have stumbled upon? What is going on here?" Heehee.
I am Nora Demington, an AG Girl of the Year Mia doll that has been renamed and given a sparkling personality. ;-) Ellie is my twin sister, a MyAG #21. Maggie is my little sister, a retired JLY #8. And Stella Grant is our stepsister, a MyAG #25. Penny is our Mom and she is the one who gets all the stuff that I blog about here at The Doll Wardrobe. (She doesn't sew-- none of us do-- we don't even own a sewing machine. We lack those skilz. Heehee.)
We started this blog over two years ago to showcase handmade clothing for American Girl dolls because when we started looking to collect such items and expand our 18" clothing collection it was very difficult to track down sellers and seamstresses. We spent hours and hours searching Google, through Ebay, on Etsy, and reading through dozens of forum posts, etc. etc.
Our mission is to make it a little easier for American Girl fans to find a variety of high-quality clothing for their dolls. While joining AG Playthings or AG Fans can help a lot of people find seamstresses and handmade shops, not everyone is old enough to join those forums because of the laws in place for the protection of minors. So we were hoping our blog could be an open resource to all American Girl fans.
Hence, the vibe of most of our posts is about handmade clothing, but we also talk about a whole bunch of other things including AG merchandise. We added a page to our blog, when Blogger started doing pages, for Links to Handmade Clothing. This is hopefully a good place for people to start looking for new items for their collections.
If you are a seamstress or shop owner who would like to be featured on that page, please speak up. :-) We will put you on there. Maybe not right away, because sometimes we are slow updating things. Heehee. But don't be afraid to tell us you'd like to be featured there. That is the point of this blog.
In addition, if you would like to be featured in our 25th Anniversary monthly giveaways, feel free to let us know. What is this I am talking about??? Well if you don't know, we are doing monthly giveaways in 2011 for American Girl's 25th Anniversary/Birthday. Many of the giveaway items are being donated by a variety of sellers-- and not just clothing sellers-- we will take anything you have to offer for 18" dolls. This is a fun way to get exposure on our blog. It might not make a huge difference in your sales, but we hope it makes some impact. Since we began this blog we have had over 70,000 unique hits and our fingers our crossed that this has been helping the sellers we feature here.
If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to let us know!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Innerstar U Giveaway at Never Grow Up Blog!
Yello! Beast's Belle over at the Never Grow Up blog won the My AG #41 doll (via her husband, heehee) which she named Emma Grace. In the package we sent we included an Innerstar U code, necklace, and charms--- but she isn't sure she can use them, so she is giving them away-- which is happy news for those of you wanting an Innerstar U account!
Last day to enter her giveaway for this code, necklace, and charms package is Friday, January enter today!!!
Last day to enter her giveaway for this code, necklace, and charms package is Friday, January enter today!!!
The winner will be announced on Saturday!
And check out both of her blogs for posts about her dolls, including Emma Grace!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Zee Order
Gosh it seemed like we had to wait forever for this moment to arrive--- but Kanani is now on the website and so are the new historical outfits.
We are personally waiting to get the historical outfits in a later order. For now we just ordered Kanani, her seal, and her outfits, as well as the mini Samantha doll in her holiday dress and the mini doll shelf. When we put all of Kanani's stuff in the basket it really didn't seem like that much stuff. True, we have yet to order the chair set and shave ice stand... but still, there really isn't that much stuff in her collection. Maybe she will get more later... *Fingers crossed*
Did anybody else make a midnight CST order from American Girl??? What did you order?
Oh and p.s. We got asked to do a survey afterward. Did anybody else get the survey?
p.p.s Happy New Year! I almost forgot. We wish everyone a fantastic new year full of joy. And dolls. ;-)
We are personally waiting to get the historical outfits in a later order. For now we just ordered Kanani, her seal, and her outfits, as well as the mini Samantha doll in her holiday dress and the mini doll shelf. When we put all of Kanani's stuff in the basket it really didn't seem like that much stuff. True, we have yet to order the chair set and shave ice stand... but still, there really isn't that much stuff in her collection. Maybe she will get more later... *Fingers crossed*
Did anybody else make a midnight CST order from American Girl??? What did you order?
Oh and p.s. We got asked to do a survey afterward. Did anybody else get the survey?
p.p.s Happy New Year! I almost forgot. We wish everyone a fantastic new year full of joy. And dolls. ;-)
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