Saturday, November 26, 2011

AG Stuff We Found at BJ's!

We are currently traveling the globe for the holidays for half of November. On our adventures we stopped in at a BJ's -- which carries some AG merchandise: pet packages, boxed book sets with mini dolls, craft books, and the AG magazine. 

We purchased the Cecile mini doll with the 6-book set, Honey's pet package, and the current AG magazine. As you can see in the pics, the pet and book package was $14.99, the doll and book set was $34.99, and I think the magazine was like $2 less than the cover price (but we can't find our receipt right now). They had a lot of different mini doll book sets -- including Samantha. The pets are mostly limited to the Ginger the Cat and Honey from what we saw. They might have Sugar and Coconut as well, but none of the bigger animals like Pepper or Toasty were there (not sure they'd fit in the package).

Warning: Loads of pics ahead...
Pic of the pet package and boxed doll and book set...

Pics of the pet package...

Pics of the book set...

Pics of the doll and doggie...

Pics of the AG magazine and the things it came with...

Hope this was informative for everyone and that y'all had a good Thanksgiving!!!

Thanks for visiting us today. :-)


Miranda said...

Love it all! I have Honey, too. She is the most loved AG companion to any of my dolls, but she belongs to my favourite.


Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the Super School Set? It was an even bigger Doll School Set with a desk and wall-thing.
Bella :)

Tonya M said...

Our girls were excited to find the same things at Costco (we don't have BJs here). I couldn't tell if this Honey is the same as the one from the catalog, and it doesn't come with the collar, but our daughter was thrilled to have the little activity book that came with it, and she is making a collar for Honey herself. And the book sets will be making their way under the tree this year. :)

Nora and Maple said...

We did not see the Super School Set there, but that sounds cool!

Yeah it is nice BJ's and Costco have these things, even if the pets don't come with the collars - they are the same pets. :)

agfriend1 said...

Oh honey is so sweet looking. I have been thinking of getting her for my Emily. I like the picture of Cecile riding her. Made me think of the baby commericial which the baby states "Apparently riding the dog like a small pony is frowned upon in this establishment" LOL.

Katelyn said...

Cool! I wish my BJ's had AG stuff!

Kellee said...

I also just bought the AG Magazine... I was rather dissappointed, however, because a lot of the stuff in the magazine was just repeats of previous holiday issues. :( But I loved the free extras, though! :)

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