Hello again! Sorry it has been so long since I last posted- OVER 20 DAYS!
What have I been doing? God only knows, I just get way too caught up in things. Mostly I was procrastinating from doing my schoolwork. I have watched a lot movies and television...but that is not really productive at all. Have I written any of the essay questions I have to answer for school? No....
Well, to get into the writing mood I have decided to post some shtuff onto Blogger. First of all we have some dresses from Etsy seller
Lemieux Doll Boutique. They are being modeled by Josefina and Stella. The red dress did not come with the belt and leggings- that was my addition in order to make it look a little different from the purple dress.
Both of the dresses are made from butterfly-patterned Asian-style silk and finished with gold lame around the sleeves and neckline. I have been looking for dresses like this for awhile, and have not been thoroughly satisfied by the similar choices from American Girl. They need to use cool butterfly fabric too.
Lemieux is run by Diana- who recently hit the same bump in the road as many other seamstresses- the new CPSIA lead laws. Or CSPIA or CIPSA..or however those letters go together. This new law would require anyone selling anything appealing to children under 12 to test their products for "bad" substances such as lead.
Obviously a normal at-home seamstress cannot afford to test every doll outfit she makes- so the law was/is endangering these types of home-run businesses. The law has been "postponed" for a year (perhaps with revision in mind???).
So Diana is back to sewing after a break due to the scary new law. SO BUY your homemade goods NOW while you can!!!!
Who knows if in a year I will have anything new to post on the Doll Wardrobe??? Maybe there won't be anything more to buy??? Depressing thoughts....