Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meet Sundari (aka Sonali)

OMG a new doll!!!! Ok, ok. I really dislike this chat/text-talk of abbreviating everything into non-nonsensical acronyms. I know I am young and hip, but I just can't stand it. So let's try that again...

Oh My God a new doll!!!!

Yes, Sonali arrived at our house in Badger's Wood last month. Here is a picture of her straight out of the box and looking disheveled, dazed and confused. The outfit is of course her American Girl meet outfit (and not homemade). It is pretty awesome. Her hair is very beautiful, but with the curls it is slightly difficult to manage. The trip in the box did not help with that.

Here at Badger's Wood we rarely let dolls keep their former identities. For instance, Julie from the 1970s is now Cassie from the 1860s. So we couldn't really be non-creative and keep the name Sonali. In order to make it easier to remember her new name we went with Sundari because it also begins with S and sort of rhymes with Sonali.

Sundari has an interesting and mysterious past, but she doesn't want her life-story published in a blog. For now, let's just say she came from India!

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