The white buttons down the front of this 1940s green dress purchased from Etsy seller nayasdesigns remind me of the buttons on Susan's BoltSense dress posted on June 1st, 2009. Buttons seemed like a good theme for some of her dresses. This purchase came with the fabric-covered headband that is elastic, not hard like Emily's (which pops off her head whenever it wants to), and white tights. The dress features the aforementioned buttons, ruffles down the front and over her shoulders onto the back, white rickrack trim, as well as a cute neckline. The dress has lovely lines and fits Susan well.
Penny also purchased a purple dress, very similar in design, from nayasdesigns. But that belongs to someone besides Susan and will be seen here later this year. If you are interested in dresses like this one, I believe Linnea still has a blue one and a yellow one in her shop. Or at least she did when I wrote this blog entry. Heehee.
Soon we leave for New York. I get to go on a week-long school field trip to a variety of probably-boring museums. Penny gets to go shopping. The injustice. She says the museums are great and I will have tons of fun since I like history so much. Yeah, right. I'd rather go shopping...
After our trip to New York, I, Nora Demington, will return (like a bad penny) on June 19th, 2009 with more wonderful posts for all you fantastic people out there on the Internet! You will see a post on a Ruthie dress purchased from Ebay seller sophie_nc!
Meanwhile check out this beautiful nayasdesigns creation!