Hola peeples!
These are the sixteen entries for our London 2012 Photo Contest!
The photo's theme should fall into at least one of the following categories:
1) Sports
2) Hobbies
3) Britishy
4) The Olympics
The more creative the pic, the better!
Now a week (or so) of voting commences!
Vote today!
Vote as a comment on this post
as an email to nora.demington@gmail.com
Feel free to vote for more than one photo.
And you are allowed to vote for yourself.
Last day to vote is August 24th.
Then the votes will be tallied.
The photos in the top 50% will be examined by our judge (Penny)
and the 3 medalists will be chosen from that group.
The gold medalist will receive the $20 AG gift card.
And the silver and bronze medalists will receive the glory of being
the silver and bronze medalists. ;-)
Entry Number One
Some of my
dolls are competing in the soccer section of the Olympics!
Entry Number Two
Here is a
picture of Merida practicing her archery skills for the Olympics.
Entry Number Three
British Teatime
Entry Number Four
The girls you
see are training for the Olympics. Everyone is positioned on their own except
MAG 24 in the front, in which my lovely sister held her feet for me! It's basically
a shot where everyone is in the middle of their skills, except Kanani, who is
practicing her poses while she waits for her turn on beam. McKenna is doing a
split on the beam. Kelsey (back) is being spotted on holding her cast to
handstand on the bar. MAG 24 (Alyssa) is in the middle of a flip when the photo
is taken. Nicki is the gymnastics coach.
Entry Number Five
Zephineah, Olympic Gold Medalist for the 2016 Rhythmic Gymnastics
competition!" Zeppy said in her booming announcer's voice *sigh*
"I wish I could be an olympian! I would kick the pants off of those
other girls!...Well, maybe not, but it would be really cool!"
Entry Number Six
Inky admires the athletes who compete in the whitewater
kayak events. Here she is at Sabino Canyon, Arizona, practicing for her own
Olympic Debut in 2020!
Entry Number Seven
These are my
3 dolls Emmy, DeLilah and McKenna who have Olympic Spirit!
Entry Number Eight
The first doll is Kit.
She is special because she can't
hear very well and has a hearing aid.
The second doll is Hannalexis (mag#30).
She is special because she only has 1 leg.
The third doll is Claire (mag #41
She is special because she can't use her legs so she has a wheel
The fourth doll is Katniss (ruthie re-wigged).
She is special
because she is blind, so she can't see.
They are all different and all special.
They are all going to be in the Olympics or Paralympics,
and that makes
them more special!
Entry Number Nine
Here`s the
pic of my doll that`s representing my country the Philippines
by being the flag
bearer :D
Entry Number Ten
Quinn and
Lanie's Day of Sports!
In this picture Lanie has so many sports she loves! And Quinn was dying to take a photoshoot with her new camera so they went to the
football field!
Quinn decided that since Lanie loves soccer and football to mix
it up a little and have Lanie throwing a football and wearing her soccer
Entry Number Eleven
Kanani takes
a deep breath before her dive at the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Entry Number Twelve
My doll
McKenna is eating her Olympics breakfast before heading off to gymnastics
Entry Number Thirteen
It's time for the Olympic Gymnastics competition, and McKenna is up on
the beam, showing off her flexibility. Kenna Dawn and Coach Rebecca are off in
the corner, where Coach is telling her exactly what to do. Their competition,
Team U.K., are walking in dressed in their fancy pink leotards, and the crowd
is cheering them all on.
Entry Number Fourteen
skateboarding (with a tea set on her head)
Entry Number Fifteen
Jackie and
Penny go for the gold in the local horse show.
Entry Number Sixteen
This is what happens when my dolls get the urge to sew something.
Vote today!
Vote as a comment on this post
as an email to nora.demington@gmail.com
Every vote counts!!!
p.s. If you sent in an entry and you don't see it here, email it to
nora.demington@gmail.com asap
and be sure to comment below telling us that it is missing.
Thanks for visiting us today!

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