We posted a thingy awhile ago asking you to ask us questions and we got several good ones.
So here we go!
1) How many dolls do we have here in Badger's Wood?
Hmmm, we lost count a long time ago. For AG, definitely more than 35, maybe somewhere like 50....
We also have about 4 Karito Kids, 2 Kidz n Cats, and a whole colony of Monster High dolls. We also have Corpse Bride dolls, Lalaloopsy dolls, and probably other brands we can't remember right now. If you haven't caught on -- we collect toys, all sorts of toys, lots of toys. ;-)
2) What was the first doll to arrive in Badger's Wood?
How many years have you been collecting?
Molly was the first doll to arrive in BW. When did she arrive? We aren't actually sure. We were very small at the time and have a horrible memory. Penny says it was around the time we got our first dog and also when she sprained her ankle (for the first time -- she is slightly accident-prone). And it was definitely for Christmas.
So how many years have we been collecting American Girl/Pleasant Company items? Probably over 20 years. Close to the amount of time AG has existed. Yes, Penny is that old. She is like ancient. I am surprised there isn't a museum and an archaeological site dedicated to her at our house. ;-)
(If I don't post anymore, it's because she killed me for that....)
3) What dolls are you planning to get?
Are there going to be anymore Twiggs or Demingtons?
Well, there a couple blonde MyAGs that we have been eyeballing, but when we see them in person they don't always say "get me! get me!"
We will also be keeping an eye out for new MyAGs they release. We like the newest curly-haired girl, but not enough to order her since we do plan on getting one or two of the bald dolls. We would like to make a boy AG out of one of the bald dolls.
Which one do you think will look best as a boy???
As far as Twiggs, ya never know. Maple is too focused on being the center of attention to really put up with siblings. She is satisfied with having cousins though.
Which families do you think we should expand?
4) Did you major in writing? O_o?
Interesting question. Yes and no. The Main Human Overlord, Penny, did not major in creative writing, English or literature, but she did major in something that requires a lot of reading and writing.
If you like writing, there are a lot of majors, minors, and career options out there for you. Being able to communicate clearly is a great advantage -- especially in this age when everyone just emails each other, sends PDFs back and forth, chats online, rarely talks on the phone, and barely ever sees each other in person. Even if you are interested in a career in the sciences, being able to write well and persuasively is a skill you should foster.
Here is our advice for tweens, teens, and college-age peeps about majors-- even though you didn't ask for it:
Look at college course books for local colleges, community colleges, and/or larger universities (whatever you can get your hands on, literally or online) and read through them carefully. Figure out which courses sound the most interesting to you and which ones you would be excited to sign up for.
Is there one subject that offers 6 or more courses you want to take? That's probably what you should be majoring in. If it ends up being equine science, or fashion design, or Korean, or interpretative dance, or culinary arts, or car repair, or cinematography, or European history, or whatevers - go for it. You only live once.
So while we didn't major in writing -- A lifetime of reading and writing has made us able to string sentences together in a mostly logical manner. Books are awesome. We recommend them. We are pretty much always reading about ten at a time. Not because we are geniuses, but because we have short attention spans..... Squirrel!!! ;-)
Wow, that was a long answer.....
Thanks for visiting us today!
If you have more questions for us -- please feel free to ask them here!
What kind of car to buy?
Subaru, unless you live in a place where it never snows.
What kind of pet to get?
None, unless you don't mind cleaning up after them.
How to make bananas ripen less quickly?
We have no clue.
There is a lot of scientific debate about this...
Want to know how to run a blog?
Advice for getting more followers?
How to start a Facebook or Pinterest account and make it semi-popular?
How to shop for handmade items?
Questions about our collection?
Questions about cheese?
Ask away my friends!

Tons of Questions From Me! ;)
1. What is your favorite custom doll?
2. Do you make custom dolls or somebody else does, if so who?
3. Who has the best AG doll wigs?
4. Where can you find a custom outfit for a reasonable price? What did you get from them?
5. How to find cheap dolls on eBay?
6. If I make a custom doll, where should I post it?
7. What are you doing with the other bald doll?
8. Best esty shop that is super cheap?
9. Favorite custom doll creator?
10. Favorite custom doll on YouTube?
I want a custom doll, I am wondering, thanks!
Wat kind of toys does your husband collect?
What is your advise on getting more blog/facebook followers?
What is your all time favorite doll outfit? (yes I realize that might be impossible to answer:))
Any wise words on keeping up with doll stuff/sewing doll clothes in college?
This was a really fun post to read! :o)
How do you get more people to read/comment on your blog?
Also I have the My AG at the top of your list (Ali) and I looooooove her! She's so cute and a really great doll. She doesn't really look like any of the other dolls that AG makes. I have Kailey and my sister has Julie and she doesn't really look like either of them. If you'd like me to post pictures of her on Macy's blog, just ask (zoeandmacy.blogspot.com). Answer in a reply to this comment or comment on Macy's blog.
Also sorry I never to around to sending in my picture for the photo contest. I was really busy yesterday.
~ S ~
I think you should get the blue-eyed bald doll, and then add some sort of golden blonde hair and name him Alex. :D
1. How many pets do you have and do you plan on buying more?
2. How many meet {AG} outfits do you have?
You could also pick up a doll from Ebay that needs some hair help and change a wig. Classic face molds make great boys.
Do you ever get tired of dolls?
If so... How do you get back into them?
Lots of great questions here!
Keep 'em coming if you have more -- we'll answer these soon! :)
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