FIVE DAYS UNTIL REBECCA! That's including today of course in the count. Can't really skip ahead through time, unfortunately... But while we wait, it is now time to sing to you! Yippee!
My doll is as dainty as a sparrow,
Her figure is somethin' to applaud.
Where she's narrow she's as narrow an arrow,
And she's broad where a broad should be broad.
A hundred and one pounds of fun,
That's my little honey bun!
Get a load of honey bun tonight.
I'm speakin' of my Sweetie Pie,
Only eighteen inches high,
Ev'ry inch is packed with dynamite!
(Cue a man wearing a coconut bra, a grass skirt and a wig!)
Ok, so if you haven't seen the musical "South Pacific," none of what just happened makes any sense to you and you should definitely go rent the film version tonight. It is often hailed as the greatest musical of all time and I have to say it is one of my faves. We are a big fan of musicals here in Badger's Wood.
Is the song "Honey Bun" (cited above, with some changes, heehee) chauvinistic? Yes. Should that stop me from singing it to you? No. This musical debuted in 1949! Sixty years ago! Think of it as an educational window into the past (much like the American Girl historical dolls- wink wink).
Getting to the real reason for this post and stepping away from the singing for a moment, Penny found this cute sailor suit while searching Ebay for new clothing. If you like it, go to the Ebay store of jeanebob4 right now- there might be another one waiting for you there!
It includes white pants with blue accents and buttons on the waistline, a short-sleeved shirt with collar and bow, and a dashing hat featuring an embroidered blue star. This is one high-quality outfit and it fits perfectly. Everything just snaps into place and waa-laa: a perfect sailor suit for Susan. And it is close enough to a 1940s Navy uniform to satisfy us. It's difficult to imagine anything more cute!
Next time in The Doll Wardrobe, fantastic Nora Demington (that's me) reveals a new blue coat and hat for Susan from Ebay seller sewaddicted2. It is fantastic and we really can't help but be sewaddicted2 her store! Haha! I kill myself!
Now I challenge you to not sing "Honey Bun" while you look at these photos below! "A hundred and one pounds of fun..."