Now the question becomes, should Penny order her on May 31st or wait until later? She can't decide. She says she should probably wait and keep some sense of a sane budget for this summer.... but then again there is free shipping still available on that day.... ugh, such a dilemma! Of course the real question is- will she be available online that day? Probably not until June 1st...
But Rebecca questions aside, for this post we will introduce you to Susan's blue coat! It is not easy to find coats for all of the time periods we shop for, but luckily this 1940s-era coat popped up in the Ebay store of sewaddicted2! It is soooo beautiful. The fabrics inside and outside are just gorgeous. We should have taken a picture of the blue silky lining, but I didn't think to do that until right now as I am typing this!
The hat is adorable and fits super-well with elastic around the rim. The white pom-pom is the perfect addition to this tam. The fit of the coat, the little blue buttons, the lovely collar and the elegant high waist called out to Penny from the online auction. And it just looks magnificent on Susan in the pictures below. But the bestest-best-best part of the entire thing is the tab on the bottom of the coat that keeps it closed when the wind blows through town! This was a very special and really lucky find!
Coming up in my next post from Badger's Wood is another sweater set from Ebay seller gehrom! This time it is a lovely grey and red combo with hat.
Don't forget to check out Rebecca and her collection on Sunday either in stores or online!!!!! I might even give y'all a pop quiz or a new poll to see if you were paying attention to all the new stuff! Heehee.