Here is "my" new outfit courtesy of Penny's further purchases from Etsy seller Doll Closet. One would think by now we must have exhausted our inventory of Doll Closet items to show on this blog. Not true! We have so many more items! But after Friday of this week we'll turn to other sellers to make sure my blog stays spicy and yummy with a healthy mix of modern and historical clothing. ;)
So we see a patterned skirt in nice bold colors being modeled by Marvelous Me in the photos below. The colors and forms remind me of my favorite jade and magenta fancy painted horse on Cinderella's Carousel at Disney World. Why I am slyly slipping a mention of Walt Disney World into this post? Well, Penny just told us that we are going to Disney World in October! That's like less than two months away! Wooohooo!
We'll try and post some photos after we come back...that is if we manage to take time away from the awesome "House of Mouse" fun for picture-taking. ;)
But instead of completely hijacking this post for this good Disney news...... we'll encourage you to enjoy our pictures of wonderful handmade Doll Closet clothing!
(p.s. Later today we'll show you some pictures of October #25 in her new home! Stay tuned!!!)

1 comment:
That skirt is adorable! I love the fun, bold pattern and bright colors.
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