One of our posts about the Target Play Wonder doll line is actually quite popular.
Who would have guessed?
So we decided to go out and get three of their newest outfits and do a little investigative reporting for y'alls.
What does that mean?
Well, we'll talk about fit, quality, and design. And we'll pay special attention to neat things we think seamstresses should try out for their handmade doll clothing, as well as things that we think they should avoid doing.
So it will be a series of tips, advice, do's and don'ts all connected to these three Play Wonder doll outfits from Target. We hope it will be useful!
(We are also marking this under "Trends to Sew," fyi.)
First Outfit:
Things that impress us about the first outfit:
1) Applique tunic top (with heart)
2) Shredded graphic crop top
3) Reversible skirt with bow
4) Striped headband that can also be a belt
5) Twistable layered scarf that can be also be used as headband
6) "Canvas" cargo Nehru-esque jacket with little pockets and tabbed cuffs
Things that don't impress us 100%:
1) Leggings/cropped tights are just "okay" as far as quality
2) Pink shirt is made of very thin fabric - we know that is the point of modern shirts but this one just looks kinda cheap
3) Skirt doesn't fit around the AGs waist (bummer)
4) Jacket features velcro circles instead of snaps or buttons (you'll see shots of this soon) - and the velcro catches on everything
5) Jacket is not lined
6) Jacket doesn't really fit AGs very well
7) Scarf is rather puffy and never lays flat
Second Outfit:
Things that impress us about the second outfit:
1) Sharkbite hem on tank top
2) Tiny striped fabrics used for tank, scarves, and shirt
3) Floral cuffs on the jean capris
4) Capris are lined with nylon so they slide onto the dolls easier and
it protects their vinyl from the dark fabrics
5) Fabric cuff bracelet with lace bow
6) Hooded vest that is lined
Things that don't impress us 100%:
1) Top doesn't really have a well-finished neckline
2) Vest has printed gold "buttons" on the pocket tabs
3) Vest's lining is a better-quality fabric than the "outside"
4) Capris barely fit the AGs
Third Outfit:
Things that impress us about the third outfit:
1) Tiny striped fabric of the short-sleeve top
2) Cropped jean jacket with floral embellishment
3) Inclusion of 3 belts/ headbands
4) Style of the clutch (size and shape)
5) Tiered floral ruffle skirt
6) Reversible bodice top - ingeniously simple design and looks great on the dolls
7) White fishnet tights
Things that don't impress us 100%:
1) Neckline of short-sleeve top is finished, but in a clunky, non-trendy way - we don't like neckline ribbing unless it is a baseball-style shirt
2) Jean jacket feels quite cheap and isn't lined
3) Some of the belts are rather flashy
4) The clutch fabrics don't really "go" with the rest of the outfit - black and white leopard print? really?
5) Ruffle skirt is built on a very tight, thin cotton that does not give at all.
Could barely get it on the AGs.
Could barely get it on the AGs.
6) White fishnets were very tight and we weren't able to pull them all the way up to the AGs waistline.
Obviously the Play Wonder dolls are simply slimmer in the legs and waist than the AGs.
Part Two will feature Arista and Kenna modeling some of the pieces
mix and matched together.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have. :-)
Feel free to ask any questions you may have. :-)
Stay tuned for more bloggy goodness!

Great post! It's both interesting and informative. I enjoy your trends to sew posts.
I got a Play Wonder outfit from Target two or three weeks ago, and i really like it(so does Evie my MAG doll)but, the shorts didn't really fit and the "seam"/pockets were also only printed on them.
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