Thursday, September 20, 2012

Our Current Pinterest Boards

We have a lot of posts cooking, but right now we decided to just produce something asap.

The changing weather hasn't been kind to our health, so we are kind of off-center right now. Blech.

Reminder: FDC Entrants -- Your In-Progress pic(s) are due tomorrow! Sept. 21st!

For this post we just wanted to update you on our current Pinterest Boards.
You can see them for yourself on our Pinterest Page of course,
but we might as well plug them here, too. ;-)

All of these boards are works in progress, just fyi.

The Doll Wardrobe Blog Activity
Pretty much self-explanatory -- we post about DW blog posts and teasers for blog posts.

Great Etsy Items
Pics and links to Etsy dolly items we love.

Shabby Apple Items We ♥♥♥
We are a Shabby Apple partner, so we thought we'd make a wish list for their items.
Can also be used as "trends to sew" inspiration.
They offer wonderful women's clothing options.

Etsy Doll-Size Cakes
We have a mild obsession with cakes, so we gather the items available on Etsy in one place.

Arista's Photo Blog
Yep, Arista has a photo blog (landscapes, travel pics, flowers, etc.) -- we haven't been very good about posting on it recently.
But when we do get back to it, we'll post more links on this board.

Maple's Story - Actors for Characters
Maple has been gathering images of who she wants to play her characters in a movie of her book(s). Haha. Still in progress, as she has only done 4 so far......

Trends to Sew
Images of human clothing and accessories that we think people should transform into AG doll items. :-D

Royal Doll Boutique Creations
RDB does a lot of custom work that quickly gets shuffled into her sale section.
For this board we gather her pics together so y'alls can see everything she has made.
We just started this one.

Monster High Wish List
Also self-explanatory -- a compilation of pics of the dolls and items we want to have in our collection.

Maple's Story Blog Posts
Maple hasn't written much on her story blog, but she started posting links to the entries here.
Need to work on this more... sigh.

The Secret Wardrobe
We have a large doll clothing collection.
You probably already know this.
And we haven't posted everything here on The DW, so when there is a listing for something we bought but haven't shared here yet -- we post that to the Secret Wardrobe.
So these are sellers' pics.

Doll-Size Craft Project Ideas
Pinterest is full of craft project ideas.
Every now and then a doll-size one appears, or something that could be fun for the dolls even if it isn't really doll-size.
So these are mostly repins of these projects ideas for those of you who want to be crafty.

Things We Are Excited About!!!
Random stuff. Preview pics of Caroline stuff. Liberty Jane items.
Awesome stuff that doesn't really fit on other boards, haha.

All Dolled Up Wish List
We love All Dolled Up but we never get around to ordering the stuff we want from them.
We created this board to keep track of our wants.
Good shots if you want to see what Terrie offers.
We need to add mo' to this as well.

Monster High Secret Wardrobe
We have bought some handmade clothing for our MH dolls.
Check out the sellers' pics of them here.
Because, well, mostly we haven't made pics of them ourselves yet.
So. Lazy. :-P

Maple's Lab Supplies
So Maple's Lab is still an in-progress project.
Here we gather links and pics of things we have bought for the project.
Craft supplies.
Tiny doll-size items.
Fun stuff!

Etsy Doll Furniture
Well, we have boards for clothing and cakes. So we thought we'd make a board for furniture.
When we actually get mo' living space we'd love to make a dollhouse with awesome rooms.
These sellers are a good resource for unique items.
We also need to work on this one more.

Crafty DW Blog Posts
Some of our DW Blog posts are crafty.
Not a lot, but some.
Jewelry tutorials, faux boot socks.
Pretty much it for now, despite all the ideas we have in our heads.....
We gather them here for ease of use.

Exciting Patterns
Also pretty self-explanatory. Patterns for dolly size clothing and accessories.
One stop guide to what has recently been released, or previewed, by the top designers.
Modern and historical patterns, fyi.

Thanks for visiting us today!

Let us know if you have any questions!

Follow Me on Pinterest


Anonymous said...

More pictures of Maples lab would be nice!

Nora and Maple said...

That is definitely in the works!

Kristy said...

Pinterst is where I initially found this blog. I love it. Your posts are great to see and very inspiring. Pinterest has been a very inspiring website in general and has tons of American girl ideas.

Aka Muslimmamma

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