Friday, September 13, 2013

Reader Submission #60
For Our Doll Giveaway Contest!!

Hi! The doll outfit I chose as my current favorite is one that I made a few months ago. Josefina, the second AG doll I got, is shown wearing it. I really like the colors of this outfit, and the beadwork on the jacket (which unfortunately doesn't photograph particularly well!) The outfit was for sale in my etsy store. 

My etsy username is Mimiville (my shop is at )

As far as an outfit I would like to see AG size, it would probably be one of these. 
They are both from Justice catalogs.


Thank You Reader #60!!!!

Read about this contest here:

This contest is currently closed to new submissions.

We will be posting Reader Submissions once a day or every other day
until we run out of them. :-)

We will announce the winner of this contest once we are done posting all of the entries.

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