Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Terristouch 1900s Purple Dress for Samantha

Welcome to September!

I hope the month has been treating everyone well so far... even if it is back to school time. ;) I can't say that I was too excited to return to school. Even though I got to advance a grade, it now means more homework for me. :P

Luckily for today's model she is retired and no longer has to go to school. Heehee. Yes, I am of course referring to Samantha Parkington who you see in this post. She gets to lounge about in the "American Girl Archives" all day and all night relaxing with our puppies and drinking pink lemonade.

Samantha was particularly excited this summer when she heard she would be getting a few new dresses from Etsy seller Terristouch. Today's frock is a beautiful dark purple drop-waist dress with a wide white collar with inset lace. My favorite part of the dress is the pleats on the skirt portion; they are perfect!

Our girl looks fantastic in this dark color, but there is also a light blue version still available from Terri. If you'd like to see it please click here. No matter the color, it is a wonderful dress with beautiful details. Also I think it could work for either Samantha or Rebecca's time period.

On Friday, I will return with the official introduction post to Signorina Connie Bonacorsi, our new 1950s girl!

p.s. As a side note, we wanted everyone to know that some new American Girl Merchandise will be released in the stores and online tomorrow Thursday, September 3rd. Keep an eye out for the new goodies! (I think Derek will be hiding Penny's wallet tomorrow at some point....heehee.)

p.p.s Do y'all like it when I start with a photo at the top of a post (like this one) or with all the photos at the bottom of the text? We have been trying something new this week and wondered what you guys think of it. Please feel free to comment on your preference. ;)


Anonymous said...

I think I prefer pictures at the bottom of the post, but I don't know why. That is a very pretty dress! :)

Avery Voisin said...

That is a beautiful dress! :) I love the color on Samantha.
Personally, either way is fine! I like this way a lot, but the older style was okay too. Maybe you could use both, to change up your posts.

Uggo said...

I prefer the photos at the bottom of the post because then I know more about what I'm looking at, after I read what you wrote. Otherwise, I end up skimming past the photo(s), reading all your text, and then scrolling to find the photo(s) again. That's just my opinion though. I can deal with either way :)

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