Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Etsy Shop Shoutout: Peltra's Closet

Today we have an Etsy shop shoutout for Peltra's Closet!

She has listed a bunch of Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift inspired outfits.

Some of which have already sold out,
like this one...

But these are still in stock currently:

So check those out!

And she has a variety of non-celebrity items.

Hats, necklaces, knit accessories, dresses, flower crowns, etc. etc.

In the distant past we have purchased things from Peltra's Closet:

Have we photographed them yet?

Of course not, because that would require effort on our part.


But please check out https://www.etsy.com/shop/peltrascloset today!!

Thank you for visiting us friends!

1 comment:

Xyra Silverleaf said...

I'm not always a fan of the cropped tops on the dolls, but a lot of these are really cute and provide appropriate coverage overall. But then I view my girls as between 10 and 13 years old and I know others see them older than that. :)

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