Friday, February 12, 2016

Trends to Sew:
Conquering the Romper, Part One

Well, I was doing those "A Better ______ for GOTY Lea Clark,"
but that seemed to have a backlash.


So I will just secretly post about a 
better romper for Lea here in this post, haha.

When I saw the leaked pics of this...

...I was like dear God of the Parrots I hope those are pajamas.

And luckily, they were.

And as far as garish pajamas, they work well.

I can't see myself buying them.

But I have thought about it, because they are really fun.

But the issue I have with rompers is this - 
even the ones that aren't made to be pajamas, often look like pajamas.

Like this one:

It's beautiful.

I would wear this.

I would want one for my dolls.

I want one for my Lea.

But it screams "loungewear" to me.

I'm not gonna wear this out grocery shopping or out to the movies.

I am going to sit on my couch in this.

So yes -- make this, sew it, sell it -- but I would advertise it as loungewear.

And I think it will do very well.

The secret / key to a going-out romper?

Higher end drapey, silken fabric.

And darker colors.

Dark blues.



Deep reds, burnt oranges.

These things ^^^ make the romper look more sophisticated 
and for going outside into the world of people.

For example:


That one ^^^ could have easily 
become a bathrobe-pajama combo -- 
but the choices of colors, overlapping shawl neckline, 
drapey polyester fabric, and slanted pockets, sells this as going-out attire.

In different colors...
A patterned fabric...
Even a thicker fabric...
And all I would be thinking is - spa day bathrobe outfit.

Alrighty then...

Again, I am trying to make my posts shorter so 
that I can actually produce more than one of them a week.

So this is all for today.

But I will be posting more on the "Conquering the Romper" theme though!

So stay tuned my fashion-forward friends!!!

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